But, the truth is the West may accept Turkey back, but will they accept Erdogan?
Being a ?swing state? may have tactical advantages but when life gets tough and the tough get going, there could be consequences. Turkey once faced such a moment of truth a hundred years ago. It faces a similar predicament today.
At a meeting on Thursday in Ankara with the European Union ambassadors, Turkish President called for bold action in developing relations between the two sides in 2022. He said full membership of the EU still remains Turkey?s strategic priority and it is ?in our common interest to act with a long-term strategic perspective rather than prejudices or fears.?
According to Erdogan, Turkey-EU cooperation is vital and without Turkey?s ?extraordinary efforts, Syria and Europe would have faced a different landscape.? Erdogan?s poser to Brussels assumes significance.
Ankara has convinced itself that Washington is keen to revive its problematic relationship with Turkey, since, as a commentary in the pro-government Sabah newspaper noted this week,
?After all, at this very moment, the